2021 Fall Diversity Event at ZSFG

This year's UCSF at ZSFG diversity event focuses on reproductive justice, specifically how we inform our community and educate our trainees. Based on Ours to Tell, a short film on the power that comes with the freedom to access abortion through the stories of 4 individuals, the panelists will discuss navigating clinical practices and academic research guidelines to assist our community with a topic which may be viewed as sensitive based on societal opinions.


Reproductive Justice: How we Inform our Community and Educate our Trainees 

Tuesday October 19, 2021 from 12:00-1:00pm  | event recording 



  • Ushma Upadhyay, PhD, MPH: Associate Professor, OB/GYN, Co Director, UCGHI CoE on Women's Health, Gender, and Social Scientist, Empowerment and Advancing New Standards in Reproductie Health (ANSIRH). 
  • Toni Bond, MA, PhD, Abortion Care Training Incubator for Outstanding Nurse Scholars (ACTIONS) fellow with the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health.
  • Josephine Urbina, MD, Complex Family Planning fellow in OB/GYN

Moderated By:

  • A. Sue Carlisle, PhD, MD, Vice Dean, School of Medicine Dean's Office at ZSFG, Professor of Anesthesia and Medicine. 


"UCSF has a proud history of advocating for reproductive health and education -- providing exemplary patient care to all women, especially those who face barriers due to systemic oppression; training and inspiring the next generation of reproductive health leaders; and improving policy and practice through research and scholarship."

-- Sam Hawgood, MBSS, Chancellor, Mark R. Laret, President and CEO, Talmadge E King, Jr. MD, Dean, UCSF School of Medicine, Vice Chancellor, Medical Affairs