This year's UCSF at ZSFG diversity event focuses on reproductive justice, specifically how we inform our community and educate our trainees. Based on Ours to Tell, a short film on the power that comes with the freedom to access abortion through the stories of 4 individuals, the panelists will discuss navigating clinical practices and academic research guidelines to assist our community with a topic which may be viewed as sensitive based on societal opinions.
Reproductive Justice: How we Inform our Community and Educate our Trainees
Tuesday October 19, 2021 from 12:00-1:00pm | event recording
- Ushma Upadhyay, PhD, MPH: Associate Professor, OB/GYN, Co Director, UCGHI CoE on Women's Health, Gender, and Social Scientist, Empowerment and Advancing New Standards in Reproductie Health (ANSIRH).
- Toni Bond, MA, PhD, Abortion Care Training Incubator for Outstanding Nurse Scholars (ACTIONS) fellow with the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health.
- Josephine Urbina, MD, Complex Family Planning fellow in OB/GYN
Moderated By:
- A. Sue Carlisle, PhD, MD, Vice Dean, School of Medicine Dean's Office at ZSFG, Professor of Anesthesia and Medicine.
"UCSF has a proud history of advocating for reproductive health and education -- providing exemplary patient care to all women, especially those who face barriers due to systemic oppression; training and inspiring the next generation of reproductive health leaders; and improving policy and practice through research and scholarship."
-- Sam Hawgood, MBSS, Chancellor, Mark R. Laret, President and CEO, Talmadge E King, Jr. MD, Dean, UCSF School of Medicine, Vice Chancellor, Medical Affairs