The Research Protocol Application should be submitted by all researchers using SFDPH data or recruiting SFDPH patients or staff as research participants.
Studies must be approved by the IRB before completing a Research Protocol Application.
A Research Protocol Application is required when the research team will:
- Enroll patients at an SFDPH site, including ZSFG
- Use SFDPH (ZSFG) patient data, including but not limited to EPIC data (even if only collecting names and numbers)
Exception: A Research Protocol Application is not required if only accessing or using UCSF's de-identified clinical data that includes SFDPH | ZSFG data. If de-identified data is not available through those resources as needed, then the RPA is required.
Learn more about de-identified structured clinical data from the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), including Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG), Laguna Honda Hospital (LHH), Population Health Division (PHD), Behavioral Health Services (BHS), and ambulatory care areas. Such data is now available for direct self-service access, including UCSF Health clinical data.
Updated Streamlined Research Protocol Application
The form was revised to streamline and increase transparency by:
- Providing a separate "instructions/informational" document with a clear step-by-step guide for additional assistance
- Reducing the number of questions by 50%
- Creating 3 sections: Section A for all researchers, Section B only if seeking data, and Section C only if recruiting patients
Please Note: Signature approvals for requesting ZSFG Services are no longer required on the Research Protocol Application. Please contact the applicable services directly (i.e. Laboratory Medicine Services, Radiology Services, and Pharmacy Services).
Email Required Documents to:
- Research Protocol Application (Instructions)
- UCSF IRB Approval Letter
- UCSF IRB Application
- Documents from outside relying IRB, if applicable
- Data Use Agreement (DPH investigators sharing DPH data with outside institutions)
- UCSF | SFDPH Research Statement of Work (for UCSF investigators with studies that are NOT clinical trials)
Please Note: The PI's signature is required in the "signature 3" section on page 3 of the SOW
FAQs Accessing Identified EHR Data for Research at UCSF
The UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) and Population Health Data Initiative (PHDI) support efforts to provide data and other resources for researchers at UCSF. We developed the following FAQs Accessing Identified EHR Data for Research at UCSF to guide researchers interested in accessing identified patient data for projects at UCSF Health or in the San Francisco Health Network. If you have any questions about this FAQ, please contact [email protected]
Questions or Feedback?
Email: [email protected]
- Questions, suggestions, or feedback
- Changes to approver contact information
- A request to be added to the ZSFG Research distribution list