Pandemic-driven telehealth proves popular at safety net health system
By EurekaAlert! on June 11, 2021
As state and federal authorities decide whether to continue reimbursing for telehealth services that were suddenly adopted last spring in response to the coronavirus pandemic, a new study out of UC San Francisco has found that clinicians in the San Francisco Health Network (SFHN) overwhelmingly... How S.F. rescued 1,000 thawed vaccine doses from 300 miles away
By SF Chronicle on June 11, 2021
Dr. Mary Mercer was just coming off her emergency room shift at San Francisco General Hospital on Thursday night when the call came in: Humboldt County had a “pizza box” of Pfizer vaccine that it couldn’t use. Did San Francisco want it?
A pizza box is public health slang for a flat of Pfizer vials... UCSF Partners with San Francisco to Provide Job Training for Local Residents
By UCSF Campus News on June 11, 2021
As part of its commitment to promoting local economic opportunity, UC San Francisco is partnering with the City and County of San Francisco to train local residents to work on construction of the new Research and Administration Building at the Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco... SF General staff members reflect on their 'life-altering' year under COVID
By SF Gate on June 09, 2021
Not many Americans know what it was like to be on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
At Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, chief medical officer Lukejohn Day and chief nursing officer Terry Dentoni lived the pandemic every day, and described their experiences as "life-altering."... How Inequities Fueled the COVID-19 Pandemic – And What We Can Do About It
By UCSF Campus News on June 09, 2021
COVID-19 has exposed many vulnerabilities in our society – fueling the spread of the virus and leaving questions about what comes next as the world emerges from the pandemic.
A panel of health experts and government officials addressed the myriad issues related to COVID-19, including health... Pandemic-driven telehealth proves popular at safety net health system
By EurekAlert on May 07, 2021
As state and federal authorities decide whether to continue reimbursing for telehealth services that were suddenly adopted last spring in response to the coronavirus pandemic, a new study out of UC San Francisco has found that clinicians in the San Francisco Health Network (SFHN) overwhelmingly... Three Rules To Follow When Building Technology For Doctors
By Forbes on April 26, 2021
I’ve spent the last 25-plus years working at the intersection of healthcare and technology. As Chief Clinical Informatics Officer at Clover Health, I strive every day to ensure cutting-edge technology is applied in ways that enhance clinical work, improve patient care and ultimately enable more... Covid-19 Warriors at UCSF are Often Female, Always Fierce and Unusually Diverse
By Mission Local on April 26, 2021
Dr. Monica Gandhi knows what San Francisco will be remembered for during the pandemic: It’s the city’s low mortality rate, claimed by San Francisco officials as a testament to the wisdom of an early shutdown.
But, while Gandhi would be the first to acknowledge the blessing of fewer deaths, she... Stop Panicking About the COVID-19 Variants
By SF Gate on April 26, 2021
COVID-19 case counts and hospitalizations are plummeting. Vaccine distribution is accelerating. After nearly a year, it seems we have finally reached the beginning of the end of the pandemic. As things continue to wind down, we're starting a series called "Pandemic Exit Interviews" — a weekly... A year later, frontline Covid-19 organizers and docs discuss inequity and how to move forward
By Mission Local on April 02, 2021