Garden Poetry Walk: Poetry and Nature at ZSFG
The Garden Poetry Walk is a collaboration connecting the patients, visitors, and UCSF and ZSFG staff through poetry and pose. What began as a Skilled Nursing Facility project for patients to explore and express their health journey experiences through poetry, evolved into a collaboration with the Gardening Department. A Hearts Grant from the SFGH Foundation funded stands by artist Rebecca Fox, created to display the poetry in the public gardens across the ZSFG campus. The gardeners keep the installation fresh by rotating poetry by patients, professional poets, and UCSF employees located at ZSFG and other campuses. The words and emotions of the authors placed in natural settings offer comfort and respite to all.
The poetry stands can be found in the Comfort Garden in front of Buildings 80/90, the Resilience Garden near Building 9, and the Labyrinth Garden on the 7th floor of Building 25. (Please note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Building 25 garden is currently closed to the public.)
For more information about the recent Garden Poetry Walk Dedication event from September 23, please see the ZSFG CEO Note.
For more information about the Garden Poetry Walk, see ZSFG Newsletter: A Moment to Pause, Issue #14, Garden Poetry, by Anile Woods (June 30, 2020) and Garden Poetry Walk
The Garden Poetry Walk is also featured in an Instagram Story by Lena Rivas of UCSF Talent Acquisition.
Some Poetry Kiosks throughout the ZSFG Campus

Building 25, 7th Floor Rooftop Kiosk
Comfort Garden, Outside Bldg 80/90

Comfort Garden, Outside Bldg 80/90