The Hydra Manager Match File is located on the ZSFG Dean's Office file server and contains everyone who is in the Hydra database. Data in this file includes the DPH AD account name and POI number and when assigned. This report also contains those who have been listed as inactive or separated. Department managers or trainee administrators (TA) may request access to the Hydra Manager Match File.
If someone is missing from the Manager Match File or listed with an inactive status or with an expired ZSFG separation date but should be reinstated, then the department manager or trainee administrator will need to follow the same onboarding process as if they were not in Hydra.
The Hydra Status Keys web page provides guidance for abbreviations in the Manager Match File and active vs. inactive status.
The Hydra Manager Match File shared drive location is listed below. You must be on the UCSF network and your UCSF Active Directory (AD) account has been granted access to view this file.
If the above link does not work, you may copy that link and paste it onto Windows Explorer. Alternatively, you can try connecting to: \\\shared$ then drill down to the folder/file.
vol09 --> Dean --> UCSF Employee Data --> Data From Hydra --> Trainee Admins
Open the Excel file named: Hydra ZSFG Report for CCSF POI Manager Match.xlsx
You may also map a network drive using a PC or a Mac.
What to check for in the Hydra Manager Match File or Hydra Web for Hydra and SF DPH Access
Field Name | Requirement | What to do |
UCSF Employee ID | Needs an Active UCSF electronic ID number | User needs to be Active in UCSF EDS / Identity Access Management system. You can confirm the user is active by checking with HR (staff), GME (trainees) or SIS (students). If a user goes inactive in EDS, they will also be marked as inactive in Hydra. |
UCSF Hydra Status | Needs to be active in Hydra | User needs to be Active in ZSFG Dean's Office Hydra Database. See UCSF Hydra Status Keys for more info. |
ZSFGH Separate Date | Should be a future date | Verify ZSFG separation date is correct. If listed, once date is reached user will be deactivated in Hydra. Note: If user is Inactive/Separated in the UCSF EDS Identity system, the account in Hydra will be deactivated. |
CCSF POI ID Number | Needs to have a POI number to onboard | Needs to have a POI number to do Epic training and Annual Learning. If you need you POI password reset, please contact the DPH Service Desk. |
CCSF POI Account Status | POI Account should be active | POI Account needs to be active to login to ELM/SFLearn and for training to be assigned. |
ZSFG Badge Number | Should be listed for anyone who comes onsite | Users who come onsite should have a ZSFG Badge and that Badge # should be listed. Is it is missing, please email [email protected] to notify us. Additional info for obtaining a ZSFG Badge. |
ZSFG Badge Status Code | Should be 1 for all active users with a badge | A status of 1 equals an active badge. A status of 2 thru 10 is considered inactive by the DPH badge system. |
Epic End User Proficiency Assessment (EUPA) Info | Should be completed for for Epic Write Access | This field lets you know the user completed the End User Proficiency Assessment (EUPA), once the EUPA is completed, the training block should be removed. If training block not automatically removed, please open a ticket with the DPH Service Desk. |
DPH AD Account | Needs to have a DPH AD account | User needs to have an active DPH AD account and to also be in the correct groups to login. See info below |
DPH AD Account Status | Account status should not be disabled | If an account is disabled, user will not be able to login. Hydra onboarding is required to reactivate the account. |
DPH AD Account Expires Date | Account should not be expired | If an account is expired, user will not be able to login. Hydra onboarding is required to remote the expiration date. |
DPH AD Account Last Logon Date | Account should have been logged into within the last 90 days. | If an account has not been logged into in the last 90 days, the account password will expire and the user will need to have their DPH AD password reset. The user could also be automatically removed from the DPH Access groups (listed below). We strongly recommend to have users login at least once every 90 days to keep their DPH AD account memberships active and their password current. |
DPH VMware View (VDI) Access | Needs to be in the VDI (aka Tap & Go) group, should be "Yes" | This is the group that allow users to use Virtual Desktop (VDI) and Tap & Go when onsite. If the user does not have "Yes" for this, Hydra onboarding is required to add the user to this group. Note: membership in this group is also required for remote access. |
DPH My Desktop (VDI) Remote Access | Needs to be in the MyDesktop Remote Access group, should be "Yes" | This is the group that allow users to login remotely to DPH MyDeskop to then use the DPH Virtual Desktop (VDI). If the user does not have "Yes" for this, Hydra onboarding is required to add the user to this group. |
DPH EPIC Production Group Access | Needs be in the Epic Production group, should be "Yes" | This is required to see the Epic production icon and be able to login into DPH Epic. If the user does not have "Yes" for this, Hydra onboarding is required to add the user to this group. |
DPH Epic Employee ID Number | Needs an Epic account | This is required of all Epic accounts. If this is missing, user will need to be onboarded to DPH Epic. |
DPH Epic Provider (SER) ID Number | If Provider, needs SER# | This is required for Providers / Schedulable Epic Resource. |
DPH Epic User Status | Epic status should be active | Status needs to be active to login into DPH Epic. If status is not active contact the DPH Service Desk. |
DPH Epic Login Blocked | Should not have an Epic training blocks | If there is a training block and training was completed, contact the DPH Service Desk. |
DPH Epic Linkable/Default Template Number and Name | Needs to have the correct Epic template assigned. | Contact the DPH Service Desk to create ticket if no template or the wrong template is assigned. Epic templates determine what you have access to once you login into DPH Epic. |