Hydra Web is an online portal for department managers or their designees (i.e., trainee administrators) to review and edit the ZSFG-specific data fields in Hydra. In order to access Hydra Web, submit a Hydra Data Access Request.
There are four main modes to the Hydra website:
- View Mode is used to review all the records in Hydra. The View Mode also allows access to different status reports or Views (e.g., ZSFG Badges, DPH AD accounts, DPH Epic accounts and DPH Epic training information).
- Edit Mode is used to edit records for active users associated with your department.
DPH AD Edit Mode is used to reactive a disabled DPH AD account and allows adding users to the DPH VDI, Remote Access and Web PACS groups. - Onboarding Mode is used to onboard or reactivate UCSF users and affiliates in Hydra who are already active in the UCSF Identity and Access Management (IAM) or Enterprise Directory System (EDS). When onboarding an inactive user, you can also associate them with your department.
- Offboarding Mode is used to offboard active users, which includes deactivating their DPH Active Directory account, CCSF POI number account and ZSFG ID Badge.
Do not use offboarding mode to transfer someone to another department or program, only use if they are leaving ZSFG permanently. You can transfer a user to another department by editing their department name in Edit Mode.
Login to the Hydra Web portal preferably using Chrome or Firefox using your UCSF Active Directory (email) account. You must be on the UCSF network or connected via the UCSF VPN in order to access this website.
Use the Search function in View and Edit Modes to find an employee or trainee in the following fields:
• UCSF Employee ID number
• Last Name
• First Name
• POI ID number
• Email address
• ZSFG Department
You can sort by clicking on the column heading. Each screen will return a maximum of 25 rows. Click on the page number buttons at the bottom to see the next set of results.
- View Mode is used to review all the records in Hydra. Once logged in, the default screen is the view-only mode. This will display ZSFG data for all active users, including those not in your department. You can display inactive users by unchecking the "Only Show Active Status" box.
- Edit Mode is used to edit records for active users associated with your department. If you have edit permissions, the “Go to Edit mode” button will be visible, and you will only be able to see the active users associated with your department(s).
To make edits, click on the Edit button on the far-left hand side of the individual record.
• Data fields that can be updated will have a square box around them or a drop-down option.
• Data that is missing or incorrect will have “Please Update” shown.
• To move someone from your department to another department, select the new department from the ZSFG Department drop-down list.
• Click Update (on the far left of the record) to confirm changes. Both the old and new department managers will receive a confirmation email from Hydra.
• Changes to “Separate Date” must be 7 days in the future. If you need to separate someone sooner than 7 days, please utilize the Offboarding button.
DPH AD Edit Mode is used to reactive a disabled DPH Active Directory (AD) account.
From the main Edit Mode screen, select “Go to DPH AD Edit mode."
• The DPH AD Edit Mode displays your department users’ DPH Active Directory (AD) groups and the AD account name and status of the user.
→ To make edits, click on the Edit button on the far-left hand side of the individual record.
→ To update a user’s "disabled" DPH AD account status, select "pending" in the DPH AD Account Active column.
→ If an individual is missing a necessary group (i.e., MyDesktop or VDI access) you can add the group by selecting “pending” from the drop-down list.
• Once selections have been made, click Update (on the far left of the record) to confirm changes.
• The request is recorded as “pending” in Hydra and once the automated processes have added the group to the DPH AD user account it will change from "pending" to “yes.”
• The requestor and user will both receive a confirmation email from Hydra. Changes may take up to 24 hours to process.
- Onboarding / Reactivate Mode is used to onboard or reactivate UCSF users and affiliates in Hydra who are already active in the UCSF Identity and Access Management (IAM) or Enterprise Directory System (EDS).
• If you have “edit” permissions, the Go to Onboarding button will be visible.
• To onboard or reactivate a person in Hydra, they must have an active UCSF employee ID number in either the UCSF IAM or EDS systems.
→ Enter the UCSF Employee ID number and click the Search button.
→ Verify you have the correct user selected and ensure all required fields are complete and accurate.
→ If you need to move an inactive user to your department, make sure to select your department name under the department column.
→ Once you have verified all information and are ready to onboard, select the “I have reviewed…” checkbox.
→ Click on the Submit Onboarding Request button.
→ You will receive a pop-up message that the record was successfully onboarded. The requestor and the department manager will both receive a confirmation email from Hydra. Changes may take up to 24 hours to process.
→ If a person has an X status in Hydra, only the Dean's Office will be able to reactive the person.
- Offboarding Mode is used to offboard active users. Do NOT use this option to transfer someone to a new department, instead use Edit Mode to move them to their new department.
• If you have “edit” permissions, the Go to Offboarding button will be visible.
• To offboard an active user, enter the UCSF Employee ID number and click on the Search button.
→ Verify you have the correct user selected.
→ Review the DPH Last Login and Badge Last Used dates. If the person has a recent last used date, confirm they should be offboarded before making changes.
→ Once you have verified the dates and are sure you want to offboard the user, check the "I have reviewed ..." checkbox.
→ Enter current or future date for the Offboarding Effective Date (mm/dd/yyyy format)
→ Click the Submit Offboarding Request button. You will receive a pop-up message that the record was successfully offboarded.
→ The requestor and the department manager will both receive a confirmation email from Hydra.
To logout of Hydra Web, please close all open tabs on your browser.