Faculty and Staff into Hydra

If the ZSFG affiliated provider, courtesy/volunteer faculty, staff employee or affiliate is not in Hydra, then the UCSF department would need to submit a UCSF Account Request Form (ARF).  In order to onboard, the affiliate must have a UCSF EID number with an active status in the UCSF Enterprise Directory Service (EDS) system.   Ensure that the EDS affiliation code reflects the required status before proceeding.  Follow the procedure below to submit a UCSF ARF.

  1. Go to https://help.ucsf.edu.  Select Request Specific Services and login with your UCSF account when prompted. Click Accounts, Access & Email | Select ARF: Account Request Form (Campus, SOM, ZSFG/SFGH).
  2. In the section For ZSFG (SFGH)/DPH users only, select the DPH options needed. If you do not select at least one DPH option, the ARF request will not automatically be added to Hydra.

    For DPH Epic Access

If you select DPH Epic Access Requested, you also must check DPH AD account requested, DPH Annual Training/SFLearning POI requested and DPH VDI (Virtual Desktop) options.  After submitting the UCSF ARF, check Hydra Web or the Hydra Manager Match File to confirm the information has been added into Hydra.  Once the DPH AD account and POI number have been created, submit a DPH Epic Onboarding request.

For provider classifications that require credentialing

It is the responsibility of the department to verify with the ZSFG Medical Staff Office that the provider is credentialed at ZSFG before allowing the provider to provide patient care or access DPH Epic or other DPH electronic health records.